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Practice, practice, practice

Completely swaddle your child in language.

Daily Whole Language Learning

  • HEAR language --
    Children need to hear proper language each day. Surround the child with the best literature and speech. Let them hear you read to them every day. This is how they become aware of words, context, and proper pronunciation.

  • SEE language --
    In order to make the connection between speech and print, have writing visible for the child to see during their day. Posters with writing in their room, signs and notes on the refrigerator. When you read to your child remember to allow them to look at the page while you read. This is not only for the pictures. They will begin to notice the words as well. Point to the words as you read. Don't make a big deal of it -- just run your finger under the words as you read. The connection that the words that you are saying are coming from the marks on the page will sink in.

  • USE language --
    Children need to practice with the language they are learning. They can do this by retelling parts of stories back to you. A book is interactive. Your child will want to take part. They will play at reading. After hearing a story many, many, many times a child will hold the book for you and think they are reading as they say the words to you. This is all part of the experimentation. Don't worry if they get some of the words wrong, they are play reading, not really reading. Have fun being a part of their play.

  • EXPERIENCE language --
    Children should be given the opportunity of daily interaction with language in print. Have them sit with you as you write out the shopping list. Try to remember that you are the link between the printed word and the idea. You are putting your information on the paper for later. The marks you make become words. Try to set a uniform example when printing in front of your child. They will begin to take notice of how you are holding your pen and how you are forming your letters.

  • Examples of how to form each letter are in the next lesson.

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