Literacy with phonics & spelling: Teach your child to read, write, & spell using phonics. Our mission is to promote the highest standard of literacy on the World Wide Web by education & enforcement.

Our mission is to promote the highest standard of literacy on the World Wide Web by education & enforcement. Literacy with phonics & spelling: Teach your child to read, write, & spell using phonics.

Our mission is to protect and to defend
the highest standard of literacy on the World Wide Web.

 Three Ways To Improve Literacy On the Web

Starting Out page

Help a child learn to read, write, and spell using phonics.

More To Learn page

Improve your own language skills by understanding parts of speech and English language anomalies.
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Errors page

Do your civic duty by reporting websites containing spelling errors.

Up and running since August 22, 2000


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Literacy & spelling through phonics : Teach your child to read, write, & spell using phonics. Our mission is to promote the highest standard of literacy on the World Wide Web by education & enforcement.